As parents are busy with their own lives and due to the frequent changes in the school schedules, there is always a significant burden on students to manage time for Quran Reading Classes in a local mosque or going to an Islamic School. Whether you are a student or a working person, online Quran classes make it easy for you to get a Quran course at your desired time schedule and pay Quran reading fee by PayPal. Online Quran teaching experts teach you with their expertise and train you with proper Quran recitation rules and the right way of Quran reading with tajweed. The quality of teaching by our Quran teachers is never compromised, being the most reputed Quran teaching website we take care of the quality and performance of our Quran teachers.
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Category Archives: Quran Recitation
Learning Quran Reading With Tajweed
First of all, we must know ‘What exactly is Tajweed?’. As the Quran recitation is essential for a Muslim, it makes the reader clearer about what’s written in the Quran when one absorbs it along with Tajweed. Learning Quran reading with Tajweed is important for proper Holy Quran recitation.

Let’s get to know about what tajweed or tajwid is known to be from an Islamic point of view:
Define Tajweed:
Tajweed is known to be the knowledge and purpose of the recitation rules in the Holy Quran. This gives the specific meaning of the Quran the same as described by our Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H).
What is the Importance of Tajweed?
Tajweed is the way that makes you get the correct pronunciation of the letters of the Arabic language. The points and characteristics become more comfortable, and one can avoid errors due to the Tajweed rules. These are not just the words that should be proclaimed correctly, yet it is the origin of Allah’s true words that have demonstrated, why and how life should be lived as per the regulation of experience in every aspect. Hence, the Quran recitation is like a remedial mode for any sorrows and obstacles in life. Another reason that Quranis words shouldn’t be mispronounced is that it can be great wrongdoing if any of the Muslims pronounce it differently as it alters the entire meaning of the Quranic ayat.
Learning Quran via Skype
What if you get a qualified and certified online Quran tutor to teach you from the other part of the world? Isn’t it convenient and straightforward these days? Right? So, why not. It is okay that the teacher is not present in person, yet you can learn Quran online sitting at your home. Learning Quran via skype has become a mode of learning the Quran online as it is highly suitable and at a reasonable cost. Also, if you are a student or doing a job then maybe it gets difficult for you to follow the set schedule of the local mosque or Quran academy near you for learning the Quran yet, Skype classes make it more comfortable as you can schedule those in your free time of the week. Skype has improved their technology, and it has become a great way to have the teaching by sharing the screens and getting all the knowledgeable material you need to understand the Quran.
Female Quran Tutors Online
Holy Quran is the only book with all the uniqueness and complete guidance of Allah. It guides us on how we should make our lives better and how we can apply this pure knowledge in our current world and, of course, the next world. The Quran is in the Arabic language, which could be different from our mother tongue. It’s our responsibility to learn the Quran with proper tajweed from male or female Quran tutors online.
Yet, there are many times when Muslim girls and ladies do not feel comfortable learning Quran with male teachers, and also, it’s highly challenging to find a female Quran teacher who can teach the children at home. Nowadays, this problem has been quickly resolved with the help of online classes in which you can opt for male or female teachers. Many known platforms are teaching the Quran online, where they provide female teachers who are fully known about Tarteel and Tajweed’s rules. Hence, your children can learn the Quran proper way at the ease of sitting at home and learning it whenever they want.
Quran Reading Course in London
Quran Reading course in London is no more a challenge. Now online Quran learning platforms are easily accessible to the people living in the London area. These online institutions are designed to teach from basic Qaida to advance level regardless of age, gender, lifestyle, and above all flexible teaching hours. To build and promote the essentials of religion, unconventional techniques and comprehensive syllables are used by Islamic schools in London. Therefore, instead of driving to the faraway mosque for Quran classes, you can join an online Quran Academy like for Quran reading, Quran recitation, Quran translation, and Quran memorization classes. Here students are prepared in a way that they can use the best of their wisdom to understand the religion and exercise it in their daily life.
Muslim Schools In Stockholm Sweden
Muslims make up a significant portion of the population in Stockholm, Sweden’s capital and largest city. According to the Swedish National Council for Ethnic and Religious Affairs, as of 2021, there are over 200,000 Muslims living in Sweden, with the largest concentration residing in the Stockholm region.Today, the Muslim community is served by a number of Muslim Schools In Stockholm, mosques, and Islamic centers, as well as cultural and social organizations. The city is also home to a number of halal restaurants and shops catering to the needs of Muslims.
Overall, the Muslim community in Stockholm is a diverse and vibrant part of the city’s multicultural landscape. It plays an important role in the cultural and religious life of the city and contributes to the rich tapestry of Swedish society.
SURAH YASIN or YASEEN – English Translation
Surah Yasin or Yaseen is the 36th chapter of the Holy Quran, which consists of 83 verses. It was disclosed while the Holy Prophet ﷺ was in Makkah. The meaning of the word Yasin like many other Heavenly words in the Holy Quran is unfamiliar and is only known to Allah SWT alone. The overall theme of Surat Yasin or Yaseen revolves around the general emphasis on the Divine nature of the Zikr; warning for those who refuse and mock the Almighty; Glorification of Allah; His Command over everything and return of all to Him.
Surah Yasin or Yaseen also encompasses tremendous amount of rewards and benefits for its reciters confirmed from various Sayings of Holy Prophet ﷺ of Allah.
بِسمِ اللهِ الرَّحمنِ الرَّحيمِ
Hijri Calendar or Islamic Calendar – Muslim Calendar
Hijri calendar or Islamic calendar is based on the year prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his fellow Muslims (known as Sahabah, the Companions) emigrated to Madinah in the year 622 C.E. (Christian Era). The Hijri calendar or Islamic calendar is lunar. The emigration took place after thirteen years of persecutions by the disbelievers of Makkah. By the command of God, the Prophet left the city with his companion Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A.) and escaped a death threat by the disbelievers. The event marks the beginning of a second phase of the Islamic movement. It is the phase when Madinah became the center of an Islamic state.
The Hijri calendar or Islamic calendar is lunar. Each month must begin with the evening when the new moon is sight able by the unaided naked eye. Muslims are obligated to sight the crescent in every country. Different countries may begin the year at different days based on their own sightings. The calendar is called Hijri calendar. The Arabic word Hijrah means emigration.
Reading The Holy Quran – Manners When Reading Quran
Etiquette When Reading The Holy Quran
The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, “The most excellent worship before me is recitation of the Qur’an.”
In another narration about Reading The Holy Quran:
‘The hearts gather rust like iron!’, declared the Prophet ﷺ.
The Companions رضي الله عنهم enquired, ‘O Prophet of Allah ﷺ! How can it be removed?’
He ﷺ replied, ‘Through recitation of the Qur’an and the remembrance of death.’
Manners Of The Heart
This is an indication to the greatness of the words being read, and the bounty of Allah; Glorified is He, to His creation when He addressed His creation with these words.
Through this the reader should think about the characteristics of Allah the Exalted.
Through this the reader should throw away other thoughts while reading the Qur’an.
What is Tajweed and How to Learn Tajweed?
How To Learn Tajweed?
If you are wondering how to learn tajweed then the answer is that the tajweed and its application can only be learned with a qualified teacher. The tajweed rules themselves can be studied independently, but their correct application can only be done by listening to, reciting to, and being corrected by, a qualified teacher of the Qur’an.DO ALL ARABS KNOW HOW TO RECITE THE QUR’AN WITH PROPER TAJWEED?
Unfortunately many do not know proper tajweed. In the days of the Prophet, peace and blessing upon him, there was no need for the study of tajweed because they talked with what is now known as tajweed; in other words, it was natural for them. Now, over 14 centuries later, colloquial Arabic has changed radically from the classical Arabic with which the Qur’an was revealed, and Arabs have to study tajweed, just in the same way that non-Arabs do.
The first step is finding a qualified Qur’an teacher who will listen to you and point out your mistakes, and help you practice fixing them. You will need to learn the Arabic letters and vowels too.
Then your task is going to be a little harder, but certainly not impossible. You need to work with tapes of good reciters, for example, Sheikh Abdullah Basfar, or Sheikh Mohammed Hosary. There are sets available on the Internet and in Islamic stores that are called “mu’alm”. In these sets, the reciter reads a phrase, and then there is a blank space on the tape, allowing the student to repeat what the reciter has just read.